Oct 17, 2016
Gary Johnson The Man
I expect Gary Johnson to bow out gracefully when he loses, and he will lose. We can be sure of that. It’s a given. What I can tell about...
Oct 13, 2016
Speaking Of Honest Abe
Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican Party candidate to win the White House. The Grand Old Party was formed because of fear, anger...
Oct 10, 2016
Trump Clears It Up
The choice in November is clear. Let’s say it’s true that Bill Clinton was a serial groper, sexual predator, adulterer and hummerphile...
Oct 8, 2016
The End Is Near
....of the Republican Party.
Sep 27, 2016
Trump Can’t Stop
Being a dick, that is. Yes, he said our easily hackable government computer system is vulnerable to Russia, China or “Somebody sitting on...