Feb 13, 2018
I belonged to an evangelical Christian church for a brief moment in time. It scared the hell out of me, literally. I was 11 years old and...

Feb 11, 2018
Future Writer's Club
You may ask yourself why good, decent ordinary human beings would want to spend one minute working in the White House for trump. I'm not...

Feb 7, 2018
Ryan's Hopeless
Check out Randy Bryce's ads against Queen "Let Them Eat Cake" Paul Ryan in Wisconsin. They're inspirational and the GOP conservatives are...

Feb 5, 2018
Shepard Smith
That's it. When I think of the Fox News Channel performers who are rational and telling the truth, Shep Smith's name comes to mind and...

Feb 2, 2018
Superbowl Sunday
I'm rooting for the Patriots. I'm a fan of the two most hated teams in sports, the Pats and the Yankees. It's mainly because I'm a...