Jan 19, 2018
The Awakening
Thursday night while watching the 24-7 panic, AKA news shows, on TV, the scales suddenly fell from my eyes. It became clear to me that...

Jan 18, 2018
Remember When
Finally, a good ol’fashioned sex scandal involving the President. Joe Scarborough was lamenting Thursday on “Morning Joe” that with all...

Jan 12, 2018
When They Go Low...
I’ve sort of promised myself that I won’t be as stupid and vulgar as trump is in 2018. Today is the first test of the new year and I’ve...

Jan 10, 2018
Steve! Don't Leave!
There hasn’t been a political figure who looks more like a villain since Ayatollah Khomeini. Bannon’s unwashed, unshaven, uncouth...

Jan 8, 2018
O Mama!
I fully expected Oprah to end her acceptance speech at the Golden Globes with, “And so, therefore, I’m announcing my candidacy for...