Sep 13, 2017
A Bracelet For Hillary
Taylor Swift pressed sexual assault charges against DJ David Mueller who groped her at a photo shoot. That in itself is not remarkable...

Sep 11, 2017
Deal With the Devil
Watching trump parley (The term written as "parlay" on the Pirata Codex was known as a right in the Code of the Pirate Brethren, set down...

Sep 7, 2017
Hurricanes Blow
The water temperature off the coast of Florida is 88 degrees. Is that normal? It never gets much above 70 degrees in Long Island Sound,...

Sep 5, 2017
This is, of course, another one of trump’s brilliant ploys to keep his hypocritical hater posse, his base, happy. How do you keep a bunch...

Aug 29, 2017
How To Start A War-A Guide To Goading
Yo trump! You gonna let that little pouty-mouthed twerp push you around? You coward. That little fat bastard just took a swing at our...