Aug 28, 2017
Help Houston
I don’t give money to the Red Cross because it’s had too many financial scandals over the years. I don’t give money to the Salvation...

Aug 25, 2017
A Sick Joke
Southerners will love or hate this cartoon, but you Yankees probably won’t quite understand it unless you know the story of Thomas...

Aug 23, 2017
It’s happening. I saw this coming in 2016, the split and destruction of the Republican Party. I didn’t know precisely how it would...

Aug 21, 2017
How Low Can They Go?
Can they sink any lower? I’ll answer that. Yes. They can, and have in the past. I saw the end coming for the GOP last year. The party had...

Aug 18, 2017
A Historic Moment
It’s a phenomenon, a rare moment in American history. It hasn’t happened before in quite the same way. Oh, there have been others, to be...