Aug 7, 2017
Farm For Sale
Before my wife and I were married, we went camping on Mt. Dessert Island in Maine. While checking the map, I saw that E. B. White’s farm...

Aug 2, 2017
Look, Stop Saying “Look!”
Pres. Obama started it back in 2008. He would start an answer to a question with “look,” as in, “Look, a nuclear North Korea is...

Aug 1, 2017
Revenge Politics
The Founders knew this phenomenon well. Tit for tat, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. They knew human nature because they were closer...

Jul 21, 2017
The Equinox Knocks
Summer is flying by much too quickly and there’s some things I want to do before that lucky ol’ sun crosses the equator: 1. Get a tattoo...

Jul 19, 2017
Hate One For The Gipper
The 2017 Republican Party once again learns that a party based on hate, prejudice and fear cannot govern. Why? Because a majority of we...