Jun 7, 2017
Eric The Rat
The first act of war is to dehumanize the enemy’s people. It makes them easier to kill, maim, torture and otherwise treat with hatred....

Jun 6, 2017
Confusion Or Confucius
Nobody knows where this proverb comes from. Some say it’s Greek, others say it’s Chinese and still others say it comes from the Turks....

Jun 2, 2017
Stay Focused
President Bannon would like us all to spend an inordinate amount of time talking about climate science (fake or fact) than the the Russia...

May 30, 2017
The Incredible Shrinking President
I watch and read various news and opinion sources. i.e. the NY Times, New York Post, Washington Post, Breitbart, AP online, The Guardian...

May 26, 2017
Memorial Day
This occurred to me in 2016, that the Republican Party was about to die and split apart because of so many years of hatred, bigotry and a...