Feb 27, 2017
Meanwhile, Back At The DNC
Tom Perez, eh? I was thinking that a younger dude like Canada’s Justin Trudeau would be the new leader of the Democratic Party. I mean,...

Feb 24, 2017
Two Things
Thing 1: Yes, the press is the enemy of the people, that is, the people who cling to “alternative facts” and fake news. The people who...

Feb 22, 2017
Learn From The Indians
We can’t let just anybody into the United States. We have to have an immigration policy that works. Look what happened to the Wampanoags....

Feb 21, 2017
Banned On Joe
Co-host Mika Brzezinski has banned Kellyanne Conjob from appearing on “Morning Joe.” That’s right, Mika has stood up and put her foot...

Feb 20, 2017
Presser Stresser
I listened to the trump press conference yesterday almost all the way home from Stamford. I was with a bunch of cartoonist friends who...