Oct 8, 2016
The End Is Near
....of the Republican Party.

Oct 6, 2016
Stop Clowning Around
I can’t believe the hysteria that’s so close to the surface in this country. I see a combination of the continued aftermath of the 9-11...

Sep 27, 2016
Trump Can’t Stop
Being a dick, that is. Yes, he said our easily hackable government computer system is vulnerable to Russia, China or “Somebody sitting on...

Sep 16, 2016
Fish Story
How can Pres. Obama declare areas of the oceans far from our shores national monuments? The Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine...

Sep 14, 2016
Lithium-ion Ith On My Litht
Yeth, I’m talking about my litht of modern unthafe thingth. Itth all tho confuthing. Firtht of all, lithium ith uthed to treat bi-polar...