Screw The Twitterverse!
Who are these malevolent meatballs living in their parent’s basement? The Twitterverse, that’s who. A bunch of wasted losers who can’t do...
Aug 16, 2016

...In A Landslide
Yes, it’s true. I don’t care what they say about Hillary; if she killed Vince Foster or started ISIS or is crooked as a coat hanger....
Aug 15, 2016

Near-Perfect Vision
I have a theory. I think Ted Cruz has 2020 vision. He wants to run for president in 2020. He can see the Republican Party coming apart...
Jul 21, 2016

Using Time Wisely
I was upstairs in my studio when I heard my wife laugh loudly downstairs. She was laughing at Trump’s grand entrance to the Republican...
Jul 19, 2016

Birdbrains Of A Feather
What do you get when you mix extreme religion with extreme politics? The 2016 Republican Party platform. I’m happy that Americans who are...
Jul 18, 2016